Carl Gustaf Skoglund

Swedish, 1923 - 2003

In 1923, Carl Gustaf Skoglund was born in Ingelstad, Sweden. In the early 1950s, he studied at the Borås Art Guild Painting School, Skogulnd is best known for his expressionist landscapes. In 2003, he died in Söndrum, Halmstad, Sweden.

  • Slänt, 1964
    Oil on canvas
    25 1/2 x 34 1/2 inches

    Signed G. Skoglund, lower right; titled and dated on reverse


In 1923, Carl Gustaf Skoglund was born in Ingelstad, Sweden. In the early 1950s, he studied at the Borås Art Guild Painting School, Skogulnd is best known for his expressionist landscapes. In 2003, he died in Söndrum, Halmstad, Sweden.

14-119 Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60654

(312) 644-8855

Gallery Hours
Monday through Friday
9 am to 5 pm