Radial Forms by Paarshav Shah
Artists Statement: Unlike traditional visual art, there is no explicit subject. The purpose of this exploration is to dismantle the established technical drawing, and reinterpret it in a new, non-apprehendable system, by adding a measure of dimensional unpredictability. In the case of these compositions, the architecture resides
in the n-dimension. The point of these structures is to see what cannot be seen — the anti-subject, so to say. By redefining universal axioms, there are new universal conditions dictating the function of space. Countless lines span across infinity; Large, flat planes intersect through one another; Vast masses exert forces
upon elements. Paarshav Shah asks you to dedicate time and attention to each composition; To contrast serial order and unfiltered chaos; To restructure what can be seen beyond face value; To develop a conceptual and visual balance between elements, thus orchestrating technical complexity while maintaining spatial legibility. Alas, space becomes representational of the tangible conscience and intangible reality.
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002California Sunset, 2023Ink on board30 x 20 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19978 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Take Five, 2023Ink on board30 x 20 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19979 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002The Scale of Dimension, 2023Ink on board40 x 28 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19977 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Perpetual Pendulum, 2022Ink on paper30 x 20 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, lower right; titled and dated upper right
#18939 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #14, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18577 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 05, 2023Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#19959 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #12, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18575 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002TON 618, 2022Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, lower right;
Titled and dated upper right#18940 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #17, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18580 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #31, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18594 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #35, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18598 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #10, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18573 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #36, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18599 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #5, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18568 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Composition #15, 2022Ink on paper5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
Stamped signature P/S, lower right
#18578 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 00, 2023Ink on paper9 x 12 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19954 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 01, 2023Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19955 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 02, 2023Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19956 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 06, 2023Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19974 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 04, 2023Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
#19958 -
Paarshav ShahIndian, Born 2002Radial Form 03, 2023Ink on paper12 x 9 inches
Signed Paarshav Shah, on reverse
14-119 Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60654
(312) 644-8855
Gallery Hours
Monday through Friday
9 am to 5 pm
©2025 Richard Norton Gallery LLC